Monday, May 27, 2024

I'm Not Messy, I'm Creative

View of my desk.

Laptop under paintings. 

 I have a big pink mug that assures me I'm creative and not messy. And earlier today I found this quote that may relate to my state of mind. "Messy people are not necessarily sloppy. They just have more ideas than they have places to put them." - Anonymous

Too many ideas clutter my head that range from painting, writing, and collecting things that fill most space in my house. One is never enough. In fact, saying that brings back a funny memory after I became a widow. I disliked my doctor more than I can say. I always left feeling crazy and fat. In those early days as a widow I threw myself into everything. (And I've written about it in two memoirs). Six dogs, three shops spaces in that small area in Old Town, and collecting more cupboards and farm tables than rooms to hold them. So I rented several storage spaces. My doctor suggested I talk to a therapist. Nodding like a puppy I said 'okay' and got a referral. She sent me to a social worker she knew who worked with the prision system. I spent the hour telling him home much I disliked her and not to look for me to come back for another session.

Then I said maybe I had a multiple disorder needing multiples of everything. "Lucky for my husband I only needed one husband. He was 6' 7"." I chuckled at my humor.

"Well, he was so tall, perhaps he seemed like more than just one." 

And I had to pay for this advice.

Sixteen years later, I still think in multiples. A former antique dealer, I can't pass up a treasure. Loving dogs, I have five. My art is stacking all around my desk here in the den.  And I've got several books working away in my mind. I clear table tops and within a week there are piles of treasures stacking up again. 

Creative minds are rarely tidy. I read that today online. I'd like to think I'm creative and not just living in chaos.  Artist, Writer, Collector, Dog Hoarder. That's me. I see beauty in my house when I look around. Canvases piled up, notes tucked hither and yon, dogs sprawled out on the sofa, and little vignettes of small treasures tucked in cupboards when I finally pull it all together. 

I think about downsizing, getting rid of my artistic clutter, and wonder what it would be like to have a normal home with everything in place. Then I laugh. Within 48 hours I'd start fillling my space with things to inspire me, and well, there would be less space for my inspiration to grow.

That's not happening. I am not messy. I am creative. I think I'll focus on that thought for now.





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