Tuesday, November 9, 2021

What Have I Learned?


Sitting here this afternoon surrounded by my dogs and feeling rather lazy, I thought back to my first years as a widow (just turning sixty) and today at, and trust me, I can't remember, am I 72 or 73? Oh my, I think it's 73. I have trouble remembering because of my last memoir. A tribute to turning 70 but late in self-publishing because of a broken elbow. A year off in my age doesn't matter, but my reflections do. I constantly ask myself what have I learned at this ripe and still growing stage of my life.

Not much, yet plenty!

I still don't know how to say no to buying a cupboard I have no room for or money to spend on it. Toss in a primitive farm table to show how naughty this can be. 

I still can't say no to adopting dogs in need which became my passion as a new widow. Six dogs are my limit, but I swear I still see little dogs that make me think...maybe seven is a good cutoff. But my two new boys are so needy I can't cheat on them or the other four. Chihuahuas demand your time!

I still run my charges up like a windfall is coming to pay them off.

And every day I tell myself I will eat healthier. Start an exercise program. But I never do. There is something comforting about potato chips and onion dip, like being wrapped in an old quilt, only don't drop the dip. Or a pizza when I watch a Hallmark Movie (throwback to my youth). And let's not forget Mexican. I shared a meme on Facebook a few weeks ago. . . "I've never been sad in a Mexican restaurant." How true is that!

I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg, but you get my drift.

At 72 or 73 I've stopped thinking I might change. I haven't in all these years so what would make me do it now? Are all those things on my list so bad? Antiques, dogs, charging (but I shop local and antique, supporting artists and recycling treasures from the past), and fun food. (It doesn't hurt to have Pepcid close by). 

I've slowed down and learned to smell the roses (cliche I know). But I have. And it's delicious. It's just me and my dogs and they don't ask questions. They only stare me down when it's dinner time.

Here is what I've learned. I'm not going to change all I've listed above. So relax and enjoy. But the biggies are: Follow my heart on what I love. Support my friends and family. Be kind to others. One day at a time. Maybe that was the hardest, one day at a time. I've stopped worrying "what if" or looking ahead to what might be. Be here now. I used to think that was a hippie phrase (and I wanted to be a hippie but never quite got there. Never cool as a teen.) But it is a good life plan. Be here now and make the most of it. 

That doesn't mean I don't plan, but my plans have to do with my art, writing, dogs. The things I enjoy and work on daily.

Keywords to live by - Kindness, Caring, Love, Friendship, Family. 

I like to kid when I interrupt a conversation, "Hey, it's all about me now!" and then I add my two cents worth. But it's not all about me. It's about all of us and how we treat each other. I try to live up to that daily although if you know me well, I do slip and have a snarky moment! Can't be perfect all the time!

I feel blessed with all that is in my life. It's different than I imagined when I was younger, but it fits me well now. And I hope I live up to the ideal of being there for others, supporting friends. Just don't ask me for the last slice of pizza.

This post is brought to you by a happy moment I'm in. I plan to stay happy for the rest of today. There could be nachos in the evening hour.

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Review of Carmen Leal's New Book "When Love Wags a Tail" for WOW!

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